
Jan Peterson Child Development Center is the first center of its kind in the Inland Empire to incorporate intergenerational activities into the learning and development of its children.

So what are intergenerational activities?

Intergenerational activities are social engagements and interactions, bringing together younger and older generations for a common purpose. They build on the strengths that different generations have to offer, nurture understanding and mutual respect, and challenge ageism. Both parties have the opportunity to give as well as receive, and to feel a sense of ownership and achievement. And it aims to put a smile on everyone’s face.

Once upon a time, multiple generations lived under one roof and there was much greater interaction between older generations and young children. But times change. Parents are having children later in life and living greater distances from their parents. Not to mention that lives seem busier now which means that children and grandparents miss out on time together.

Each of these things can drive a wedge between two generations and isolation can take hold leading to poorer understanding and awareness of each other. It’s a downward spiral where negative stereotypes and attitudes can take hold too easily.

At Jan Peterson Child Development Center, we seek to create a mutually beneficial environment for the seniors living next door ( to interact with our Children and break down such barriers.

When it comes to our intergenerational activities and goals, we are guided by a very simple principal: What can we do to cause our Children and seniors to FEEL GOOD; mentally, emotionally, and physically. That is our guiding light and should you spend even a few moments watching these precious interactions, you will experience the joy, happiness, peace and love between two generations. It’s truly wonderful to watch.